Saturday, November 28, 2015

Donating to Charity

Salvation Army

St. Jude Children's Hospital

Toys for Tots

Care Packages for Soldiers

Red Cross

Give Blood

Education Box Tops

Donating Food to Feed The Homeless

Adopt a child

Adopt a pet

Giving to church ministries

Church providing funds to bless those who are faithful (Church Lunch)

Donating Clothes

Wounded Warrior Project

Samaritan's Purse

Mentioned above are some places that people like to donate to for those who are in need of help & who are less fortunate. Thanksgiving to me is being grateful & appreciating what we have. A lot of people are without & wish they had a roof over their heads, clothes to wear, and food to eat. When we stop and think about it for moment we are truly blessed even when we think that we are going through is the worst of trials & tribulations in our lives. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!